Pond Setup

Water gardens possess a truly unique allure, with ponds serving as the heartbeat and essence that distinguishes them from all other varieties of gardens. There is an undeniable special fascination that ponds hold for aspiring water gardeners, irresistibly drawing them into the embrace of this mesmerizing and captivating hobby. The interplay of water, flora, and fauna within these aquatic oases creates an enchanting tapestry that beckons individuals to explore the boundless possibilities of this distinctive form of gardening.

When considering the size, shape, and style of your pond, numerous factors come into play, such as personal preferences, site suitability, choices of plants and animals, available space, and budget. Our website furnishes comprehensive information about the diverse types of ponds and their distinctive characteristics, shedding light on the burgeoning popularity of small water features in recent years. Furthermore, we extend practical guidance on pivotal facets including selecting the ideal location, crafting a thoughtful design for your pond, and navigating through the intricacies of its construction. 

It is of utmost importance to acknowledge that the beauty of ponds lies in their inherent individuality. Even if identical prefabricated ponds are placed side by side, they will naturally diverge from the moment of installation due to the distinct nature of the living organisms that inhabit them. Various elements, including feeding habits, filter performance, and maintenance routines, contribute to shaping the unique ecosystem of each pond. This boundless diversity is what makes water gardening such a captivating and fulfilling pursuit, as each water garden undergoes a continuous journey of evolution and discovery within its own distinctive ecosystem. 

General or mixed pond


When embarking on the journey of creating a pond, many new owners seek a system that embodies flexibility and diversity. Enter the "general" or "mixed" pond – a concept that has garnered increasing popularity for its remarkable capacity to accommodate a wide array of fish species and an extensive selection of aquatic plants. Within the realm of these dynamic aquatic ecosystems, the potential for endless variations and captivating possibilities awaits, promising a lifetime of exploration and fascination in the art of water gardening.

Koi ponds


When most people conjure images of Koi ponds, they envision the timeless allure of traditional cement or brick ponds, meticulously maintained and adorned with an exquisite array of brilliantly coloured, majestic Koi fish. These carefully crafted aquatic havens are often augmented with decorative elements such as statues, lanterns, bonsai trees, and cascades, creating a serene and picturesque environment that beckons admirers to immerse themselves in its tranquil beauty.

a frog on a rock


For those seeking to cultivate a natural haven for local flora and fauna within their gardens, wildlife ponds stand as a popular and enchanting choice. These captivating aquatic sanctuaries embody the essence of biodiversity and ecological balance, offering a space where native species can thrive in harmony with their surroundings. While a true wildlife pond consists solely of native materials and species, most wildlife ponds often strike a balance between a purely natural pond and a more traditional garden pond, offering an intriguing compromise that celebrates the beauty of the natural world.



Throughout history, fountains have stood as timeless symbols of opulence and elegance, gracing pools and evoking images of grandeur and sophistication. Once confined to the gardens of the wealthy elite, these mesmerizing water features have undergone a remarkable evolution, gradually becoming more accessible and affordable to the average homeowner. This transformation, driven in part by the introduction of the submersible pump, has revolutionized the realm of fountains, democratizing their charm and transforming them from exclusive emblems of affluence to delightful additions to any outdoor space.